def secondCalculator(days, hours, minutes, seconds):
days = int(input("Days: ")) * 3600 * 24
hours = int(input("Hours: ")) * 3600
minutes = int(input("Minutes: ")) * 60
seconds = int(input("Seconds: "))
allSec = days + hours + minutes + seconds
if days == 1:
print(f"{days} Days,{hours} Hours, {minutes} Minutes, {seconds} Seconds are equal to {allSec} seconds.")
#### same use of if, for hours, minutes and seconds.
If user enters secondCalculator(0,1,2,5) Output should be: 0 Day, 1 Hour, 2 Minutes, 5 Seconds is equal to 3725 seconds.
When user enters 1 day, it should be printing "day" not "days", same goes for hour, minutes, second. The things is making it with an if is doable yes but i thought maybe there are easier ways to do it.
How can i make it put the "s" suffix depending on the entered number by the user. Can we implement conditional string formatting for it?
Something like this possibly? Might make sense to wrap it in a function:
>>> days = 1
>>> f"day{('s', '')[days==1]}"
>>> days = 2
>>> f"day{('s', '')[days==1]}"