I have a VBox
of HBox
instances, each HBox
containing a Text
and a Button
Here is the code is the code I used:
style = {'description_width': '125px', 'width': '90%'}
for rest_id, prompt_text in fields.items():
self.widgets[rest_id] = ipy.Text(
layout = ipy.Layout(width='99%'),
self.widgets[f"{rest_id}_button"] = ipy.Button(icon='cloud-upload')
vbox_widgets.append(ipy.HBox(children=[self.widgets[rest_id], self.widgets[f"{rest_id}_button"]]))
self.widgets['meta_vbox'] = ipy.VBox(children=vbox_widgets)
Is there a way to fix the percentage of how much each item in an HBox
gets? Or to fix an HBox
element to a fixed pixel count? I want the Button
instances to be just big enough to display the icon and nothing more.
If you specify a particular width (or a dedicated Layout
) for your button, then the remaining objects should adjust to fill the space, does this give what you want?:
import ipywidgets as ipy
fields = {'a': '1', 'b': '2'}
widgets = {}
vbox_widgets = []
style = {'description_width': '125px', 'width': '90%'}
button_layout = ipy.Layout(width='40px')
for rest_id, prompt_text in fields.items():
widgets[rest_id] = ipy.Text(
layout = ipy.Layout(width='99%'),
widgets[f"{rest_id}_button"] = ipy.Button(icon='cloud-upload', layout=button_layout)
vbox_widgets.append(ipy.HBox(children=[widgets[rest_id], widgets[f"{rest_id}_button"]]))
ipy.VBox(children=vbox_widgets, layout=ipy.Layout(width='400px'))
For more complex layouts look at the GridBox class: https://ipywidgets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/examples/Widget%20Styling.html#The-Grid-layout
For future questions, it's a lot easier if you include all your imports, mock out the dictionary etc. Much easier to give a response if I can just copy and paste your code and run it.