I'm new to using drake and trying to add a torsional spring through pydrake to an acrobot model imported from urdf. The relevant portion of the code looks like this
builder = DiagramBuilder()
plant, scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(builder, 0.0)
parser = Parser(plant)
model_instance_acrobot = parser.AddModelFromFile("...acrobot.urdf")
RevoluteSpring(plant.GetJointByName("elbow", model_instance_acrobot), nominal_angle, stiffness)
But it can't seem to simulate the effect of spring. Is there any command I'm missing to add the effect of spring to the multibody plant?
The following helped. Thanks.
plant.AddForceElement(RevoluteSpring(plant.GetJointByName("elbow", model_instance_acrobot), nominal_angle, stiffness))