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Adding a torsional spring to rigid body plant in drake

I'm new to using drake and trying to add a torsional spring through pydrake to an acrobot model imported from urdf. The relevant portion of the code looks like this

builder = DiagramBuilder()
plant, scene_graph = AddMultibodyPlantSceneGraph(builder, 0.0)

parser = Parser(plant)
model_instance_acrobot = parser.AddModelFromFile("...acrobot.urdf")

RevoluteSpring(plant.GetJointByName("elbow", model_instance_acrobot), nominal_angle, stiffness)


But it can't seem to simulate the effect of spring. Is there any command I'm missing to add the effect of spring to the multibody plant?


  • The following helped. Thanks.

    plant.AddForceElement(RevoluteSpring(plant.GetJointByName("elbow", model_instance_acrobot), nominal_angle, stiffness))