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'Module not found' babel error after integrating axios

Hi I have the same issue as this one ('Module not found' babel error after installing axios), I tried all the suggested solutions but the error still persists:

Failed to compile ./src/apis/youtube.js Module not found: Can't resolve '/Users/Prodigy/code/PierceF/udemy/videos/node_modules/react-scripts/node_modules/babel-loader/lib/index.js' in '/Users/Prodigy/code/PierceF/udemy/videos'

code in my youtube.js:

import axios from 'axios';


export default axios.create({
  baseURL: '',
  params: {
    part: 'snippet',
    maxResults: 5,
    key: KEY

the app runs when I delete this entire code in youtube.js though...


  • I'm going to list the entire flow and every little bit of gory detail for the benefit of people who have just started on their React journey:

    1. Remove package-lock.json (rm package-lock.json)
    2. yarn add axios
    3. Read messages to make sure axios and its dependencies were added
    4. Change into your node_modules directory (cd node_modules) then list to make sure axios and dependencies were installed (ls)
    5. Check your App.js to make sure your import has the correct path (whether you really should have a '../axios' or just 'axios')
    6. Stop the old development server (Ctrl + c)
    7. Restart the development server (yarn start)
    8. Go to the browser tab that is running localhost:3000
    9. (If necessary) refresh the page (For Chrome, it's the upper left clockwise arrow to the left of where you enter the URL)