Can you please tell me how to include also 0 here?
data['count_comma'] = pd.cut(data['comma'], bins=[0,6,np.inf], labels=['lt6','ge6'])
Trying as above, I get NaN
values when I have no comma (i.e., 0) in texts. It should be included and get value lt6
Thanks a lot.
Use the include_lowest=True
import pandas as pd
data = pd.DataFrame({'comma': [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]})
data['count_comma'] = pd.cut(data['comma'],
bins=[0, 6, np.inf], labels=['lt6','ge6'],
comma count_comma
0 0 lt6
1 1 lt6
2 2 lt6
3 3 lt6
4 4 lt6
5 5 lt6
6 6 lt6
7 7 ge6
8 8 ge6