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Azure Data Lake - Generate *Connection string* using the available credential keys

I am trying to connect to Azure data lake storage using connection_string with my personal account. Using which, I can make connection and work with blobs.

Now, I have received below 4 keys and want to see if there is function we can generate connection_string from it using python?

I know, I can use the keys and work with it. But wanted to explore if there is this option available.

Python code:

from import DataLakeServiceClient
from azure.identity import ClientSecretCredential


credential = ClientSecretCredential(TENANT_ID, CLIENT_ID, CLIENT_SECRET)
service_client = DataLakeServiceClient(account_url="{}://{}".format(
        "https", STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME), credential=credential)


  • No, you cannot.

    The connection string and the service principal(the keys you mentioned like CLIENT_ID / CLIENT_SECRET) are different authorization solution, you cannot convert one to another.

    By the way, to authenticate the client you have a few options, and you cannot mix them:

    1.Use a SAS token string

    2.Use an account shared access key

    3.Use a token credential from azure.identity(like using service principal)

    4.Connection string