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TypeORM query all records from today

I am trying to query all records from today but I get nothing, so My question is: How to query with date validations in TypeORM?

My code:

all = await connection
                .createQueryBuilder(Earnings, 't0')
                .addSelect('', 't3_id')
                .addSelect('t3.UID', 't3_UID')
                .addSelect('', 't3_name')
                .addSelect('t3.chips', 't3_chips')
                .addSelect('', 't3_tickets')
                .addSelect('t3.masteredLevel', 't3_masteredLevel')
                .addSelect('t2.UID', 't2_UID')
                .addSelect('', 't2_name')
                .addSelect('t2.rule', 't2_rule')
                .addSelect('', 't1_id')
                .innerJoin(Questions, 't1', 't0.questionID =')
                .innerJoin(Lessons, 't2', 't1.lessonUID = t2.UID')
                .innerJoin(Topics, 't3', 't2.topicUID = t3.UID')
                .where('t0.challenge = 1')
                .andWhere('t0.createdAt = :today')
                .andWhere('t0.userID = :userID')
                .setParameters({ userID: })
                .setParameters({ today: moment() })


  • Your .andWhere('t0.createdAt = :today') only selects rows created at the instant of today parameter. You have set this parameter as moment(), which is not a date.

    Since we can safely assume no rows will be created in the future, your simplest solution here is: .andWhere('t0.createdAt >= :today'), which selects rows created AFTER 00:00 today.

    You can combine the addWhere and setParameters into one:

    .andWhere('t0.createdAt >= :today', { today: moment().toDate() }) // note moment.toDate()

    Alternatively use the MySql CURDATE() function to get the current date:

    .andWhere('t0.createdAt >= CURDATE()')

    When you test this, I recommend that you turn on TypeOrm full logging so you can see the actual generated SQL and you will be able to quickly solve any problems. See TypeOrm logging.