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Adding soft constraints to a scheduling problem in or-tools python

tools and im trying to use it to generate a timeTable for a highschool. Variables are Lesson, rooms, and timeslots and the goal of course to assign all the lessons to a certain room and a timeslot while respecting the given constraints. enter image description here

enter image description here

The problem is in the documentation i don't see it talking about soft and hard constraint and all the constraint i've added are surely hard ones, is there a way to implement soft constraint for this example just a simple one.

Thanks in advance.


  • Probably a duplicate of Do Google Optimization Tools support Soft Constraints?, but I'll add some examples with CP-SAT.

    Here's a simple soft limit example:

    from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
    model = cp_model.CpModel()
    solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
    x = [model.NewBoolVar("") for i in range(10)]
    # hard constraint: number of 1's >= 4
    model.Add(sum(x) >= 4)
    # soft constraint: number of 1's <= 5
    delta = model.NewIntVar(-5, 5, "")
    excess = model.NewIntVar(0, 5, "")
    model.Add(delta == sum(x) - 5)
    model.AddMaxEquality(excess, [delta, 0])
    print([solver.Value(i) for i in x])

    See a more complex example here

    And here's one concerning fullfiled requests:

    from ortools.sat.python import cp_model
    model = cp_model.CpModel()
    solver = cp_model.CpSolver()
    x = [model.NewIntVar(0, 10, "") for i in range(10)]
    # request: sum() <= 10
    req1 = model.NewBoolVar("")
    model.Add(sum(x) <= 10).OnlyEnforceIf(req1)
    # request: sum() >= 5
    req2 = model.NewBoolVar("")
    model.Add(sum(x) >= 5).OnlyEnforceIf(req2)
    # request: sum() >= 100
    req3 = model.NewBoolVar("")
    model.Add(sum(x) >= 100).OnlyEnforceIf(req3)
    model.Maximize(req1 + req2 + req3)