I am trying to integrate pylint results with SonarQube. To generate a report I use
pylint ./console/**/*.py --exit-zero --rcfile=.pylintrc > pylint-report.out
In sonar-project.properties
I have:
(I tried sonar.python.pylint.reportPath=pylint-report.out
also, as I saw some examples on the Internet with such a property).
Unfortunately, the sonar-scanner seems to ignore this setting.
I see no logs about pylint
10:56:18.516 DEBUG: 'PylintSensor' skipped because there is no related rule activated in the quality profile
10:56:18.517 DEBUG: 'PylintImportSensor' skipped because there is no related rule activated in the quality profile
But, as I understand this is not important if I generate a report on my own. Am I wrong?
What is a kind of surprise to me is there is no related log. For bandit result, for example, I get logs:
10:56:27.657 INFO: Sensor Import of Bandit issues [python]
10:56:27.658 INFO: Importing /home/gitlab-runner/builds/abcd/0/project/bandit-report.out
With the file or not a log entry is generated that the sonar-scaner at least tried to read the result. With pylint - nothing :(.
I am using SonarScanner SonarServer is Version 8.3.1 (build 34397) And I use default ruleset from the sonar.
Thanks for any help! :)
The reason was the version of sonarcube server. After upgrading to 8.6.1 the issue was gone.