I'm trying to triangulate points from 2 images but am not getting accurate results at all.
Here's what I'm doing:
Measure my 16 object points in real world coordinates.
Determine the pixel coordinates of the 16 object points for each image.
Use cv2.solvePnP() to get the tvecs and rvecs for each camera.
Use cv2.projectPoints to verify that the tvecs and rvecs re-project a given 3D point to the correct image coordinates (which it does work). For example:
img_point_right = cv2.projectPoints(np.array([[0,0,39]], np.float),
With that verified, use this formula to get the rotation matrices:
left_rotation, jacobian = cv2.Rodrigues(left_rvecs)
right_rotation, jacobian = cv2.Rodrigues(right_rvecs)
and then the projection matrices:
RT = np.zeros((3,4))
RT[:3, :3] = left_rotation
RT[:3, 3] = left_translation.transpose()
left_projection =, RT)
RT = np.zeros((3,4))
RT[:3, :3] = right_rotation
RT[:3, 3] = right_translation.transpose()
right_projection =, RT)
Before triangulating, undistort the points using cv2.undistortPoints. For example:
left_undist = cv2.undistortPoints(left_points,
Triangulate the points. For example:
# Transpose to get into OpenCV's 2xN format.
left_points_t = np.array(left_undist[0]).transpose()
right_points_t = np.array(right_undist[0]).transpose()
# Note, I take the 0th index of each points matrix to get rid of the extra dimension,
# although it doesn't affect the output.
triangulation = cv2.triangulatePoints(left_projection, right_projection, left_points_t, right_points_t)
homog_points = triangulation.transpose()
euclid_points = cv2.convertPointsFromHomogeneous(tri_homog)
Unfortunately, when I get the output of the last step, my point doesn't even have a positive Z direction despite the 3D point I'm trying to reproduce having a positive Z position.
For reference, positive Z is forward, positive Y is down, and positive X is right.
For example, 3D point (0, 0, 39)
- imagine a point 39 feet in front of you - gives triangulation output of (4.47, -8.77, -44.81)
Is this a valid way to triangulate points?
If so, is cv2.triangulatePoints just not a good method through which to triangulate points and any suggestions for alternatives?
Thank you for your help.
Well, it turns out that if I don't call the undistortPoints
function before calling the triangulatePoints
function, then I get reasonable results. This is because undistortPoints
normalizes the points using the intrinsic parameters while performing the undistortion, but then I'm still calling triangulatePoints
with projection matrices that account for the intrinsic parameters.
I can get even better results, however, by undistorting the points, and then calling triangulatePoints
with projection matrices that are built using the Identity matrix as the intrinsic matrix.
Problem solved!