I have a code like that uses a regular expression to delete a "username" from a text
# remove mention, link, hashtag
text = ' '.join(re.sub("([@#][A-Za-z0-9]+)|(\w+:\/\/\S+)"," ", text).split())
However it does not work in all cases, for example, the below username does not seem to be deleted:
In fact, it only works on first part of the username, before the underscore, leaving me with the below:
How can I adapt my code in order to work on the entire username provded in the example?
If what you need is just adapting your regex to match more patterns of usernames, like @username_user, then you can add the underscore in your first group, as below:
text = ' '.join(re.sub("([@#][A-Za-z0-9_]+)|(\w+:\/\/\S+)"," ", text).split())
The above will work with "@username_user", and you can adapt it to as many new character as you need, by adding them after the underscore in the character set (the square brackets; after the number 9) of the regex.