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Can't get known from /var/lib/docker with 'gogs docker image'. Where is the repository path of Docker on raspberry pi?

My raspberry pi runs a 'git repo docker image' as a server and the docker image is commonly known as 'gogs docker'.

I use this command line to check a folder which has been uploaded via git push

root@raspberrypi:/var/lib/docker# tree | grep <folder name>

There is nothing after this command.

I do mount volume to a path and I run git push and git pull perfectly.

Gogs has a webpage. I can see those folders and files I have uploaded.


  • You can inspect the container to find where are the files on the host that are associated with the container

    1. Find the container name docker ps

    2. Use docker inspect <container name> to find where are the files related to the container.

    Depending on how the volumes and the container was created, you can see the folder associated with the base image as

    docker inspect --format '{{.GraphDriver.Data.MergedDir }}' <container name>

    or the mounted volumes as:

    docker inspect --format "{{ range .Mounts }}{{ .Source }}{{ end }}" <container name>