I have table call tblInvoice
. This is my table with some data.
InvoiceNo | ItemName | Quantity | CostPrice | ItemCode | DiscountPrice | DisPresent | Amount | GrossAmount | SalePrice |
INV01 | 80= BK | 10 | 30.00 | EX80= | 40.00 | 100.00 | 400.00 | 575.00 | 50.00 |
INV01 | 80= BK | 5 | 30.00 | EX80= | 35.00 | 75.00 | 175.00 | 575.00 | 50.00 |
My client is sell same item with different price. as you can see here DiscountPrice
is different but ItemName
and ItemCode
is same. When return product after sold I want to subtraction quantity. Its ok I already done that part. But problem is I want to update DiscountPesent
after return product. its like this. Imagine I return 1 Book DiscountPrice
is 40.00. Not 35.00. I want to update only first row. not both rows. I want to get DiscountPresent Like this.
SalePrice - DiscountPrice * Quantity = DiscountPresent
According to the above table. Imagine I subtraction 1 Quantity from DiscountPrice 40.00 row. now My Quantity is 9 I want to get DiscountPresent Like this.
50 - 40 = 10 * 9 = 90
I used following query for achieve this. sometimes its work as expected. but sometimes DiscoutPresent
Switching with second row DiscountPeresent. After that table look like this.
InvoiceNo | ItemName | Quantity | CostPrice | ItemCode | DiscountPrice | DisPresent | Amount | GrossAmount | SalePrice |
INV01 | 80= BK | 9 | 30.00 | EX80= | 40.00 | 75.00 | 400.00 | 575.00 | 50.00 |
INV01 | 80= BK | 5 | 30.00 | EX80= | 35.00 | 90.00 | 175.00 | 575.00 | 50.00 |
90 is come to second row. 75 is come to first row. its wrong. I used following code. sometimes its work as expected. but sometimes it switching DiscountPresent
SET DisPresent = ((i.SalePrice) - (i.DiscountPrice)) * (i.Quantity)
FROM tblInvoice ps JOIN
(SELECT i.InvoiceNo, i.DiscountPrice, i.Quantity, i.SalePrice FROM tblInvoice i
GROUP BY i.DiscountPrice, i.InvoiceNo, i.Quantity, i.SalePrice)i
ON ps.InvoiceNo = i.InvoiceNo
looks to me you only need a simple update statement
SET DisPresent = (i.SalePrice - i.DiscountPrice) * i.Quantity
FROM tblInvoice i
if this is not what you wanted, please show the expected result for the sample data that you have provided