I am using Pusher in React native.
Trying to get message from debug console.
Success to get 2 message and after I got this message in console:
Pusher : : [{"type":"PusherError","data":{"code":4009,"message":"Connection not authorized within timeout"}}]
Pusher : : ["State changed","connected -> disconnected"]
Pusher : : [{"type":"WebSocketError","error":{"type":"PusherError","data":{"code":4009,"message":"Connection not authorized within timeout"}}}]
This is my binding:
channel.bind("Chat", function (data) {
var newArr = initialMessages.reverse();
var message = creteNewMessage(JSON.stringify(data));
And no messages arrived.
Have you turned on Authorised Connections in your Pusher App settings? When enabled all connections are required to subscribe to a private or presence channel, if this does not happen then the connection is closed. See https://pusher.com/docs/channels/using_channels/authorized-connections for information. You should either turn this setting off, or subscribe to a private or presence channel.