I have a yaml file which was generated by the pyqtgraph library for the arrangement of the docks which looks like the following:
float: []
main: !!python/tuple
- vertical
- - !!python/tuple
- vertical
- - !!python/tuple
- horizontal
- - !!python/tuple
- dock
- NameOfDock1
- true
- !!python/tuple
- dock
- NameOfDock2
- true
- !!python/tuple
- dock
- NameOfDock3
- true
- !!python/tuple
- dock
- NameOfDock4
- true
- !!python/tuple
- dock
- NameOfDock5
- true
- sizes:
- 174
- 174
- 433
- 388
- 401
- !!python/tuple
- horizontal
- - !!python/tuple
- dock
- NameOfDock6
- true
- !!python/tuple
- dock
- NameOfDock7
- true
- sizes:
- 397
- 1185
- sizes:
- 313
- 93
- !!python/tuple
- horizontal
- - !!python/tuple
- dock
- NameOfDock8
- true
- !!python/tuple
- dock
- NameOfDock9
- true
- sizes:
- 791
- 791
- !!python/tuple
- horizontal
- - !!python/tuple
- dock
- NameOfDock10
- true
- !!python/tuple
- dock
- NameOfDock11
- true
- sizes:
- 1318
- 264
- sizes:
- 410
- 80
- 80
Is there an elegant way to query this kind of yaml file to get a list of all the names of the docks ([NameOfDock1, NameOfDock2, NameOfDock3, NameOfDock4, ...]
). I heard of the yaql library but I would prefer a builtin solution if it's possible but it's also welcome if easy to implement. Thanks in advance for suggestions!
I think it would be elegant to have a query like: if in every python tuple there exist the "dock" element than append the next element to the dock_list
but I'm not sure how to implement it.
Your structure seems to be nodes where each node is either vertical
, horizontal
or dock
. The first two have children as second item, the dock
has a name. The simplest way to get all dock names would therefore be a fold:
# get_docks returns a list of dock names in the given node
def get_docks(data):
# if it's a dock node, return a list with the dock's name as single item
return [ data[1] ] if data[0] == "dock" else [
dock for item in data[1] for dock in get_docks(item) ]
# if not, call get_docks on each list item in the node's children and
# accumulate the dock names in a single list
This will give you
['NameOfDock1', 'NameOfDock2', 'NameOfDock3', 'NameOfDock4', 'NameOfDock5', 'NameOfDock6', 'NameOfDock7', 'NameOfDock8', 'NameOfDock9', 'NameOfDock10', 'NameOfDock11']