So, I am currently working on a django project hosted at pythonanywhere, which includes a feature for notifications, while also receiving data externally from sensors through AWS. I have been thinking of the best practice in order to implement this.
I currently have a simple implementation which is a view that checks all notifications and does the actions as needed if required, with an always-on task (which simply means a script that is running independently) sending a REST request to the server every minute.
Server side:
def checkNotifications(request):
notificationsObject = notifications.objects.order_by('thing').values_list('thing').distinct()
thingsList = list(notificationsObject)
for thing in thingsList:
valuesDic = returnAllField(thing)
thingNotifications = notifications.objects.filter(thing=thing)
#Do stuff for each notification
and the client just sents a GET request to my URL/notifications/. which works.
Now, while researching I saw some other options such as the ones discussed here with django background tasks and/or celery:
How to initialize repeating tasks using Django Background Tasks?
Celery task best practices in Django/Python
as well as some other options.
My question is: Is there a benefit to moving from my first implementation to this one? The only benefit I can see directly is avoid abuse from another service trying to hit my URl to check notifications too often, but I can/have a required authentication to avoid that. And, is there a certain "best practice" with regards to this, considering that I am checking with this repeating task quite so often, it almost feels like there should be a more proper/cleaner solution. For one, I am not sure if running a repeating task is the best option with pythonanywhere. ( suggests using always-on tasks, but it also mentions django background tasks)
Thank you
To use Django background tasks on PythonAnywhere you need to run it using an always-on task, so it is not an alternative, but just the other use of always-on tasks.
You can also access your Django code in your always-on task directly with some kind of long-running management command, so you do not need to hit your web app with a special request.