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How to object in row_to_json and array_agg from multiple value

I manage to create a jsonb output, however I need to make it as object

My current code

create function extract_data()
  returns jsonb
  v_msgar text[];
  v_result jsonb;
  analyzer_test_full_desc character varying;
  data_reading character varying;
  v_msgar := array['P|61||||^^||^^|U||||||||||||||||||||||||||<CR>',
                   'O|61|15^1^15|KK4002259|GLU^Glucose (GOD-POD Method)^^',
                   'R|170|AST^Aspartate Aminotransferase^^F|22.657989^^^^',
                   'R|171|ALP^Alkaline phosphatase^^F|107.636995^^^^',
                   'R|172|TP^Total Protein^^F|85.245151^^^^',
                   'R|175|CHOL^Total Cholesterol^^F|5.073630^^^^',
                   'R|176|UA^Uric Acid^^F|309.705876^^^^',

           SELECT split_part(items[3], '^', 1)
                  INTO  analyzer_test_full_desc
                FROM (
                  SELECT string_to_array(element, '|') as items
                 FROM unnest(v_msgar) as t(element)) t   
            WHERE items[1] = 'R';
            SELECT  split_part(items[4], '^', 1)
                  INTO data_reading
                FROM (
                  SELECT string_to_array(element, '|') as items
                 FROM unnest(v_msgar) as t(element)) t   
            WHERE items[1] = 'R';

            SELECT array_to_json(array_agg(row_to_json(t))) 
                 FROM (
                SELECT analyzer_test_full_desc as resultId, data_reading as resultValue
            ) t INTO v_result;
  return v_result;
language plpgsql;  

The output is

[{"resultid": "AST", "resultvalue": "22.657989"}]

I expected the out put is something like this

[{"resultid": "AST", "resultvalue": "22.657989"},{"resultid": "ALP", "resultvalue": "107.636995"},{"resultid": "TP", "resultvalue": "85.245151"]

I try to loop the select statement however still didnt have the solution.


  • You do not need pl/pgsql to do this. Extract the data parts that you need in one (inner) query and then aggregate them like this:

    create or replace function extract_data(text[]) returns jsonb as
    select jsonb_agg(to_jsonb(t.*)) from 
     select split_part(split_part(arr, '|', 3), '^', 1) as "resultId", 
            split_part(split_part(arr, '|', 4), '^', 1) as "resultValue"
     from unnest($1) arr
     where split_part(arr, '|', 1) = 'R'
    ) t;
    $$ language sql;
    select extract_data(array[
     'O|61|15^1^15|KK4002259|GLU^Glucose (GOD-POD Method)^^',
     'R|170|AST^Aspartate Aminotransferase^^F|22.657989^^^^',
     'R|171|ALP^Alkaline phosphatase^^F|107.636995^^^^',
     'R|172|TP^Total Protein^^F|85.245151^^^^',
     'R|175|CHOL^Total Cholesterol^^F|5.073630^^^^',
     'R|176|UA^Uric Acid^^F|309.705876^^^^',

    In order to make the function reusable pass the data array as an argument rather than hard-code it inside the function body.