Originally, I was using new CounterStore
inside React.createContext()
import React from 'react'
import { stores, PersistState, CounterStore } from '@/store/index'
import type { ICounterStore } from '@/types/index'
export const FrameItContext = React.createContext<ICounterStore>(new CounterStore())
export const useCounterStore = () => React.useContext(FrameItContext)
Then I started using Mobx Persist Store in my app.
import { persistence, StorageAdapter } from 'mobx-persist-store'
import { CounterStore } from '@/store/index'
const read = (name: string): Promise<string> =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
const data = localStorage.getItem(name) || '{}'
console.log('got data: ', data)
const write = (name: string, content: string): Promise<Error | undefined> =>
new Promise((resolve) => {
localStorage.setItem(name, content)
console.log('write data: ', name, content)
export const PersistState = persistence({
name: 'CounterStore',
properties: ['counter'],
adapter: new StorageAdapter({ read, write }),
reactionOptions: {
// optional
delay: 2000,
})(new CounterStore())
And I changed my code to use PersistState
instead of new CounterStore()
import React from 'react'
import { stores, PersistState, CounterStore } from '@/store/index'
import type { ICounterStore } from '@/types/index'
export const FrameItContext = React.createContext<ICounterStore>(PersistState)
export const useCounterStore = () => React.useContext(FrameItContext)
It only logs got data: {}
to the console. The write
function never gets called.
Is there anything I am doing wrong?
Coincidentally, a simple Counter example on Codesandbox works perfectly fine → https://codesandbox.io/s/mobx-persist-store-4l1dm
The example above works on a simple Chrome extension or a web app but just doesn't seem to work with my specific application so I wrote a manual implementation of saving to LocalStorage.
Use toJSON()
on the store to keep track of which properties should be saved:
toJSON() {
const { color, counter } = this
return {
And add the localStorage
logic just below the constructor()
. First, check if the localStorage
contains latest value & return it, if it does.
If there is nothing saved, then save it inside localStorage
constructor() {
const name = "CounterStore"
const storedJson = localStorage.getItem(name)
if (storedJson) Object.assign(this, JSON.parse(storedJson))
autorun(() => {
localStorage.setItem(name, JSON.stringify(this))
Codesandbox → https://codesandbox.io/s/mobx-persist-store-manual-implementation-vm38r?file=/src/store.ts