I have the following Array.
I am trying to figure out how to create an if statement in the foreach that will set true or false based on if any of the individual indexes has [Customer_Facing_Comments__r]
I am using this code - however, this just tells me if [Customer_Facing_Comments__r] is in the array - which it is, every time. I need to see if it is in each index [0], [1]..etc...and set true or false base on that.
foreach($queryResult->records as $record){
if (array_key_exists("Customer_Facing_Comments__r",$record)) {
$test = 'true'; }
else { $test = 'false'; } }
QueryResult Object
[queryLocator] =>
[done] => 1
[records] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Id] => 5003xx0255mhcAAA
[Account] => stdClass Object
[Id] => 0010cxx026IwsTAAS
[Name] => xxx
[AccountId] => 0010c0xxwsTAAS
[Customer_Facing_Comments__r] => stdClass Object
[done] => 1
[queryLocator] =>
[records] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[Id] =>
[Comment__c] => test string
[CreatedDate] => 2021-02-13T00:25:50.000Z
[Trouble_Ticket__c] => 5003x0000255mhcAAA
[size] => 1
[Type] => Service Down
[1] => stdClass Object
[Id] => 5003x000024Y6TpAAK
[Account] => stdClass Object
[Id] => 0010c0cccc6IwsTAAS
[Name] => test
[AccountId] => 0010c00cccIwsTAAS
Just expose the key in the foreach
and use that in your result array $test
foreach($queryResult->records as $key => $record){
if (isset($record->Customer_Facing_Comments__r)) {
$test[$key] = 'true';
} else {
$test[$key] = 'false';