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SQL query many-to-many: find all items with all tags included in a given set

I'm working with SQLite. Basically, I have a many-to-many relationship between items and tags. I want to find every item such that all its tags are included in a given set (found by another query). So if I have an item with tag1, tag2 and tag3 and the set is only tag1 and tag2, I should not get that item.

I've tried several different approaches, the latest being on the lines of selecting item_id such that COUNT(item_id) in table Items_Tags is equal to COUNT(item_id) with the condition tag IN (tag1, tag2) (for example). Of course, I'd need to count only the appearances of the current item_id and I can't think of a way to do that:

SELECT i.item_id, i.item_name FROM Items i
    JOIN Items_Tags it
        ON i.item_id = it.item_id
    WHERE i.item_id IN (
        SELECT item_id FROM Items_Tags
            GROUP BY item_id
            HAVING COUNT(item_id) = (
                SELECT COUNT(item_id) FROM Items_Tags
                    WHERE item_id = current_item_id???
                    AND tag IN (tag1, tag2)

I'm sure I'm not tackling this problem in the best possible way since I'm not used to working with SQL. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: To make myself more clear, if there are three items:

  • item1 with tags: tag1, tag2
  • item2 with tags: tag1, tag2, tag3
  • item3 with tags: tag1, tag2, tag3, tag4

And the given set of tags is tag1, tag2 and tag3, I want item1 and item2 to be returned (as all their tags are included in the set), but not item3


  • The answer by forpas got me thinking and I came up with another perspective to my problem: I want every item whose tags are all included in a set (from another query), so I actually want all items that are not included among those having a tag that is not included in the set. So:

    SELECT DISTINCT i.item_id, i.item_name FROM Items i
        JOIN Items_Tags it
            ON i.item_id = it.item_id
        WHERE i.item_id NOT IN (
            SELECT item_id FROM Items_Tags
                WHERE tag NOT IN (list_of_tags)

    I will welcome any comments and other answers before accepting this one, in case I'm missing something.