I am working on a project in R that requires me to change a bunch of different currencies to USD. I started by separating the numeric value from the associated currency and placing them in two new columns by using the following code:
#Extract numeric values from budget
dataframe$BudgetNum <- as.numeric(str_extract(dataframe$budget, "[0-9]+"))
#Extract character (currency) values from budget
dataframe$BudgetCurrency <- str_extract(dataframe$budget, "[aA-zZ]+")
I am a little confused now on how I can convert the different currencies to USD. I tried creating a function with a if statement and then run the function in sapply() but it crashed my R:
convertCurrency <- function(currencyVal){
if(!is.na(dataframe$BudgetCurrency == 'INR')){
BudgetNum = merge.movies.filter$BudgetNum*0.014
**The 0.014 is the INR-USD rate
The supply() call is as follows:
z <- sapply(dataframe$BudgetCurrency, convertCurrency)
A few lines of my data are:
imdb_title budget BudgetNum BudgetCurrency
tt000009 $2500 2500 *NA*
tt0000011 ITL60000 600000 ITL
tt0000012 ROL950000 9500000 ROL
tt0000087 INR52000000 52000000 INR
I would appreciate any suggestions/help that anyone could offer! If you need any additional information, please let me know!
Here is another way to do it using a datastep. Basically what this is doing is looping through the data frame row by row, and letting you make decisions on the values of the variables. It is part of the libr package.
Obviously, I'm making up the conversions. But you can get the idea:
# Create sample data
dataframe <- read.table(header = TRUE, text = '
imdb_title budget BudgetNum BudgetCurrency
tt000009 $2500 2500 NA
tt0000011 ITL60000 600000 ITL
tt0000012 ROL950000 9500000 ROL
tt0000087 INR52000000 52000000 INR')
# Run datastep
dataframe2 <- datastep(dataframe, {
if (is.na(BudgetCurrency))
ConvertedAmount <- BudgetNum
else if (BudgetCurrency == "ITL")
ConvertedAmount <- BudgetNum * 1.5
else if (BudgetCurrency == "ROL")
ConvertedAmount <- BudgetNum * .83
else if (BudgetCurrency == "INR")
ConvertedAmount <- BudgetNum * 0.014
# View results
# imdb_title budget BudgetNum BudgetCurrency ConvertedAmount
# 1 tt000009 $2500 2500 <NA> 2500
# 2 tt0000011 ITL60000 600000 ITL 900000
# 3 tt0000012 ROL950000 9500000 ROL 7885000
# 4 tt0000087 INR52000000 52000000 INR 728000