I have a pandas dataframe called "myRawDF1" and:
Result is:
stop_price last_trail_price
0 79.74 {'amount': '100.47', 'currency_code': 'USD'}
1 None
2 73.06 {'amount': '114.52', 'currency_code': 'USD'}
I want to replace "None" with a dictionary {'amount': '0.0'} So the result would be:
stop_price last_trail_price
0 79.74 {'amount': '100.47', 'currency_code': 'USD'}
1 {'amount': '0.0'}
2 73.06 {'amount': '114.52', 'currency_code': 'USD'}
Or if it is somehow easier... I could use {'amount': '0.0', 'currency_code': 'USD'} like this:
stop_price last_trail_price
0 79.74 {'amount': '100.47', 'currency_code': 'USD'}
1 {'amount': '0.0', 'currency_code': 'USD'}
2 73.06 {'amount': '114.52', 'currency_code': 'USD'}
I can't figure out how to do this. I thought I could use "fillna" because:
myRawDF1.fillna(0.0, inplace=True)
Successfully replaces all None values with zeros... So I thought this would work:
myRawDF1.fillna({'amount': '0.0'}, inplace=True)
But it doesn't... I also tried:
myRawDF1['last_trail_price'].fillna({'amount': '0.0'}, inplace=True)
This changes all the None vales to NAN... so its doing something
I also tried this... Which I found online... But it doesn't seem to work either
myRawDF1['last_trail_price'] = myRawDF1['last_trail_price'].fillna(pd.Series([{'amount': '0.0'}], index = myRawDF1.index))
I think you need to use loc
s = df['last_trail_price'].isna()
df.loc[s, 'last_trail_price'] = [{'amount':0.0} for _ in range(s.sum())]