Is there any way we can define in setting
or any other part of robot code to call keyword immediately when we have a particular kind of failure?
We have Test setup
and Test Teardown
, which will run at the start as Test Setup or the end of the test case as Test Teardown, similar to that is there any way, we can define and call keyword based on failure
The problem with using Teardown is when we have 5 lines of robot code (Keywords) if the failure happens on the second line, it will skip the third, fourth, and fifth line and directly runs the Teardown this is the issue for me in using Teardown. If we have a failure in the second line, it will call the defined keyword which needs to be run and then comes back and run third, fourth, and fifth line (Without Skipping).
With a listener library you can implement such functionality. Create a keyword that will set the desired keyword to be executed on failure. Implement the end_keyword
listener function to detect when a keyword failure occurs.
Lastly execute the configured keyword using the BuiltIn
library run_keyword
from robot.api import logger
from robot.libraries.BuiltIn import BuiltIn
class RunOnFailureLibrary(object):
def __init__(self):
self.keyword_to_run_on_faiure = None
self.keyword_args = None
def set_keyword_to_run_on_failure(self, keyword, *args):
self.keyword_to_run_on_faiure = keyword
if len(args) > 0:
self.keyword_args = args
def _end_keyword(self, name, attributes):
if attributes['status'] == 'FAIL':"Running keyword:'{self.keyword_to_run_on_faiure}' on failure!")
if self.keyword_args is None:
BuiltIn().run_keyword(self.keyword_to_run_on_faiure, *self.keyword_args)
globals()[__name__] = RunOnFailureLibrary
*** Settings ***
Library RunOnFailureLibrary
Suite Setup Set Keyword To Run On Failure Log Many 1 2 3
*** Test Cases ***
Log 1
Log 2
Fail 0
Log 3
Log 4
Result (run with robot --pythonpath . test.robot
As I said in the comments, the rest of the test case still won't be executed. To achieve that you have to ignore the failure as others have suggested.