I have a table with job, salary and date columns. I am writing the following query in PL/SQL, but I am getting an error
group function is not allowed here
delete employees where date = '06-05-2020 'and avg (salary)> 5500;
How can I solve this problem?
Your query makes no sense (to me, at least). What does that average salary represent? Whose average salary?
Here's an example based on Scott's EMP
table; I'm going to delete employees who were hired on 3th of December 1981 and work in department whose employees' average salary is higher than 2000.
Sample data:
SQL> select deptno, ename, sal, hiredate from emp order by deptno, ename;
---------- ---------- ---------- ----------
20 ADAMS 1100 12.01.1983
20 FORD 3000 03.12.1981 --> this
20 JONES 2975 02.04.1981
20 SCOTT 3000 09.12.1982
20 SMITH 800 17.12.1980
30 ALLEN 1600 20.02.1981
30 BLAKE 2850 01.05.1981
30 JAMES 950 03.12.1981 --> this
30 MARTIN 1250 28.09.1981
30 TURNER 1500 08.09.1981
30 WARD 1250 22.02.1981
11 rows selected.
Averege salaries per department:
SQL> select deptno, avg(sal) avg_salary
2 from emp
3 group by deptno
4 order by avg_salary desc;
---------- ----------
20 2175 --> higher than 2000
30 1566,66667
So: I'm looking for employees who work in department 20 (as only that department has average salaries higher than 2000) and who were hired on 03.12.1981 (James and Ford, but only Ford works in department 20):
SQL> delete from emp
2 where hiredate = date '1981-12-03'
3 and deptno in (select deptno
4 from emp
5 group by deptno
6 having avg(sal) > 2000
7 );
1 row deleted.
Is Ford still in there?
SQL> select * From emp where ename = 'FORD';
no rows selected
Nope, deleted.
Now, your turn.