I'm trying to write a simple GUI that renders a number of images using the Graphics' object primitives. What I want to have is a series of areas that I can paint to in isolation of the other areas, so that each painting "canvas" has it's own origin within the global coordinate frame of the top-level form.
So far I have tried adding several panels to a FlowLayoutPanel. However, they seem to be getting placed one on top of the other, as only one onPaint method is being called. I can override the Form's onPaint to invalidate the other panels, which are then painted, but not displayed.
Besides setting the sizes, and initialising the FlowLayoutPanel, is there something I'm missing? Is there a better way of doing this?
based on the names of your classes, it looks like you are designing a game ... maybe you want to take a look at Microsofts XNA framework?
however, the problem with the code you provided is, your layoutPanel is not sized correctly, therefore its child-controls are not visible on the main form... since painting is only done for visible items ... there is no painting for most of your FloorDrawPanels ...
try changing the size of your layoutPanel or setting its dock mode to fill