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How to execute different error messages depending on where a query failed in a transaction in pg-promise?

how can I execute varying error messages depending on where a query failed, triggering a rollback, in my transaction?

I'll be using the sample code from the documentation:

db.tx(t => {
    // creating a sequence of transaction queries:
    const q1 = t.none(query);
    const q2 =;
    const q3 =;

    // returning a promise that determines a successful transaction:
    return t.batch([q1, q2, q3]); // all of the queries are to be resolved;
    .then(data => {
        // success, COMMIT was executed
    .catch(error => {
        // failure, ROLLBACK was executed

Preferred output is the following:

  • if the transaction failed in q1:
res.json({error: true, message:"q1 failed"})
  • if the transaction failed in q2:
res.json({error: true, message:"q2 failed"})
  • if the transaction failed in q3:
res.json({error: true, message:"q2 failed"}), etc.

What I'm thinking is using a Switch statement to determine what error message to execute, although I don't have an idea on how to know what query failed in the transaction.

Thank you for your help!

P.S. I recently migrated from node-pg to pg-promise (which is why I'm a bit new with the API) due to having a hard time with transactions as recommended in my previous posts, and yeah, pg-promise made a lot of things easier the 1 day worth of refactoring code is worth it.


  • Since you are using method batch, you get BatchError thrown when the method fails, which has useful property data, among others:

    .catch(err => {
        // find index of the first failed query:
        const errIdx = => !e.success);
        // do what you want here, based on the index;

    Note that inside such error handler,[errIdx].result is the same as err.first, representing the first error that occurred.