I'm trying to implement simple Event Bus
I started like this:
public class RegistrationData
public object RegisteredObject { get; set; }
public Type eventType { get; set; }
public EventHandler MethodToInvoke;
public class EventBus
private static EventBus instance;
private static readonly object lockObject = new object();
private static List<RegistrationData> registrationList;
private EventBus()
public static EventBus Instance
lock (lockObject)
registrationList = new List<RegistrationData>();
return instance ?? new EventBus();
public void Subscribe(RegistrationData registrationData)
if(!registrationList.Contains(registrationData)) registrationList.Add(registrationData);
public void Unsubscribe(object objectToUnregister, Type eventType)
foreach(RegistrationData data in registrationList)
if (data.RegisteredObject == objectToUnregister && data.eventType == eventType) registrationList.Remove(data);
public void UnregisterAllMessages(object objectToUnregister)
foreach(RegistrationData data in registrationList)
if(data.RegisteredObject == objectToUnregister) registrationList.Remove(data);
public void PublishEvent(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
foreach (RegistrationData data in registrationList)
if (EventArgs is typeof(data.Type)) data.MethodToInvoke(sender, eventArgs);
But I have problem in PublishEvent method. I'm unable to determine type of event argument. And I'm suspicious that all this is pretty wrong.
Can someone point out what I do wrong, how should I implement this? Or how event bus is generally implemented, or some framework which I can use instead of implementing my own and spending time on that.
Um, not really sure how your Eventbus should behave. Short of knowing where you are heading it can be useful to look at how other people implemented the problem.