I'm receiving from Wix an array with the courses selected by an user via a form.
Example of an array receive from Wix where an user selected 2 courses. This array is placed in a cell.
This above array is place inside a cell in my excel file from where I red the cell and populate a VBA array with the courses:
Dim data() As Variant
Dim arrStr As String
Dim dataItems As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim IndividualCourses(1 To 9) As String
arrStr = Range("T3")
arrStr = Replace(Replace(arrStr, "[", "{"), "]", "}")
data = Application.Evaluate(arrStr)
dataItems = Application.CountA(data)
For i = 1 To dataItems
IndividualCourses(i) = data(i)
Next i
But the user can select between 1 and 10 courses. The array for all courses:
I want, based on the array received from Wix, to put 1 in the cell of the courses present in the array and 0 in the other courses.
For example, this courses selected ["VBA","Django"], it should put 1 in the VBA cell and 1 in the Django cell, and 0 in the remianing courses cells, because I want to see what courses an user has selected.
Any ideea for this complicated problem ?!?
Not sure how set you are on VBA, but depending on your version of Excel you can do this with dynamic arrays, for example:
Formula in B2
As per @T.M. his valuable comment you can feed the 2nd parameter in FIND()
a whole vertical range too:
Formula in B2