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Android Java Dagger Inject Problems

My AppComponent

 @Component(modules = {SplashModule.class})
   public interface AppComponent  {
     void inject(SplashActivity splashActivity);//this is inject activity

Splash Module

public class SplashModule {

   static SplashInteract provideSplashInteract(){
      return new SplashInteract();//instance interact

    SplashPresenter provideSplashPresenter(SplashInteract splashInteract){
      return new SplashPresenter(splashInteract);//instance SplashPresenter

Splash Presenter

 public class SplashPresenter implements ISplashContract.Presenter {

  ISplashContract.View mView;
 SplashInteract splashInteract;

public SplashPresenter(SplashInteract splashInteract) {
    this.splashInteract =splashInteract;

public void bindView(ISplashContract.View mView) {
    this.mView = mView;

    public void attach() {

    this.mView.startAnimation();//start splash animation

   public void start(Activity activity) {
    this.splashInteract.SplashScreenAnimation(activity);// add interact methods

Splash Activity

 public class SplashActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements ISplashContract.View{

 @Inject SplashPresenter splashPresenter;

   protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    getAppComponent().inject(this);//call BaseApp DaggerAppComponent 

    public void startAnimation() {


Base App

 public class BaseApp  extends Application {

 private  static AppComponent appComponent;

  public void onCreate() {

   private void setUp() {
    appComponent = DaggerAppComponent.builder().build();//Call Component in BaseApp

   public static AppComponent getAppComponent() {
    return appComponent;

Hi Everyone

I am writing a project, I want to use dagger, but I am inexperienced at this. This code gives a NullPointerException error. I could not find what I am doing wrong.

I need help and I will be glad if those who know better than the dagger guide me


  • In your case, dagger will not know how to provide splashPresenter, either do a constructor Injection or define in the module how SplashPresenter should be created, and remove SpashPresenter from the Component. The module approach should be like so,

    public class SplashModule {
     ISplashContract.View  mView;
       public SplashModule(ISplashContract.View mView) {
        this.mView = mView;//add SplashModule view
      public ISplashContract.View provideSplashPresenter(){
        return mView;//set this view
       static SplashInteract provideSplashInteract(){
        return new SplashInteract();//instance interact 
       SplashPresenter provideSplashPresenter(ISplashContract.View mView, SplashInteract splashInteract){
        return new SplashPresenter(mView, splashInteract);//instance SplashPresenter 

    And remove inject annotations from SplashPresenter and you will also have to change the signature for its constructor. You can optionally remove Singleton annotation from the code, if the presenter is not supposed to be singleton.

    Updates based on comments

     public class SplashModule {
       static SplashInteract provideSplashInteract(){
        return new SplashInteract();//instance interact 
       SplashPresenter provideSplashPresenter(SplashInteract splashInteract){
        return new SplashPresenter(splashInteract);//instance SplashPresenter 
     public class SplashPresenter implements ISplashContract.Presenter {
       ISplashContract.View mView;
       SplashInteract splashInteract;
      public SplashPresenter(SplashInteract splashInteract) {
        this.splashInteract = splashInteract;
      public void bindView(ISplashContract.View mView) {
        this.mView = mView;
        public void attach() {
        this.mView.startAnimation();//start splash animation
       public void start(Activity activity) {
        this.splashInteract.SplashScreenAnimation(activity);// add interact methods
    public class SplashActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements ISplashContract.View{
     @Inject SplashPresenter splashPresenter;
       protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        getAppComponent().inject(this);//call BaseApp DaggerAppComponent 
        splashPresenter.bind("the view you want to bind")
        public void startAnimation() {