I'm trying to do a sort of timer in my Ionic application, It should start when I load the page and it should add a value every second to a variable previously initialized to 0. I wrote this but it doesn't work:
ngOnInit() {
timer(1000).subscribe(x => {this.value=this.value+0.075 })
timer is a method imported from 'rxjs'.
The piece of HTML that must change during the time is:
<ion-progress-bar value={{value}} buffer={{buffer}}></ion-progress-bar>
And the variables are define here:
private value_: number=0;
private buffer_: number=this.value;
Finally I would like to say that I have already created the set and get methods.
pipe in template.timer(0, 1000)
you could use takeWhile
operator to complete the observable.Controller
import { timer, Subject } from 'rxjs';
import { map, takeUntil, takeWhile } from 'rxjs/operators';
private stop$ = new Subject<any>();
private value_: number = 0;
private buffer_: number = this.value;
timer$ = timer(0, 1000).pipe(
takeUntil(this.stop$), // stop when `stop$` emits
takeWhile(_ => this.value_ < 1), // are you sure `this.value_ == 1` is right?
finalize(() => this.someMethod()), // run this method when observable completes
map(_ => {
this.value_ = this.value_ + 0.075;
return this.value_;
// is buffer always set to zero?
<ion-progress-bar [value]="timer$ | async" [buffer]="buffer"></ion-progress-bar>
operator to do something when the observable completes.takeUntil
operator to stop the observable stream anytime. In this case I've used a RxJS Subject
called stop$
. When you wish to stop the stream, push to it like this.stop$.next()
only using takeWhile
, then move the takeUntil
operator below finalize
. The someMethod()
won't be triggered when you explicitly stop the stream.