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Static IP address set in /etc/network/interface not getting updated after rmmod and insmod

I have configured static IP address in /etc/network/interfaces file as below

# The loopback interface
 auto lo
 iface lo inet loopback

# Wired or wireless interfaces
 auto eth0
 iface eth0 inet static
    hwaddress ether 01:06:92:85:00:12

But, when i try to do rmmod of the driver e1000 and then insmod again. the eth0 network interface would be loaded but, the ip address is not assigned until i explicitly do ifconfig eth0 or ifup eth0.

I have tried adding a script in /etc/network/if-up.d/ which has


 if [ "$IFACE" = eth0 ]; then
        echo "eth0 up" >> /var/log/oak_pci.log

but, no luck the IP address is getting assigned.

My aim is that whenever i insmod the ethernet device driver i want to get the network interface(eth0) assigned with static IP address i have assigned in the interfaces file

Could anybody let me know what am i missing here


  • After going through man page of udev i understood how to create udev rules and with a dummy test specified in this link i was able to invoke the udev rules when insmod-ing and rmmod-ing a driver.

    So, Here's what i did to automatically set the ip address for the ethernet network interface once driver is loaded or insmoded

    I create a udev rules file named 80-net_auto_up.rules in the ethernet pcie driver recipe (it is an out of tree kernel module. Hence, custom recipe)

    i added SUBSYSTEM=="net", ACTION=="add", RUN+="/sbin/ifup eth0"

    and edited ethernet pcie driver recipe .bb file and added below lines

    SRC_URI = "all source files of ethernet pcie driver
               file://80-net_auto_up.rules \
    FILES_${PN} += "${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/*"
    do_install_append() {
        install -d ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d
        install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/80-net_auto_up.rules ${D}${sysconfdir}/udev/rules.d/

    and now it works. when i reset the ethernet device manually. The device is getting detected and Static IP address configured in the /etc/network/interfaces is set