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Why CSS Isolation in Blazor is not working?

I read in many tutorials :

  • Just create a file containing the same filename of the page plus .css - Example: for Orders.razor, create a file Orders.razor.css

  • Add your style on the css file and have fun

Ok, but this is not working. So, what is the correct approach ? To reproduce:

  • Create a new solution, client side
  • Wait for the solution being created and the sample boilerplate (counter, fetchdata, etc)
  • On the pages folder, create a file"Index.razor.css"
  • On the created file, add: h1 { color : red }
  • Execute the solution

Expected result: Hello, world! in red

Received: Hello, world! in black


@page "/"
<h1>Hello, world!</h1>
Welcome to your new app.
<SurveyPrompt Title="How is Blazor working for you?" />


h1 {
   color: red


  • For .razor.css files to work, you need to be using .net5

    Take a look at the docs and see if you didn't miss any step