I have an array of objects in my document which resides in a collection in MongoDB. And, it looks like the following
"tracking": [{
"track_id" : "abcd",
"timestamp" : 1604581360,
"status" : "approved",
"category" : "containers",
"time_of_activity" : "23:11",
"date_of_activity" : "03-Oct-20"
}, {...}, ...]
I want to search for an object on this array where the track_id of the object is abcd
I am having a hard time writing a Mongo Aggregation for the same. Can anyone please show me a way, to how this can be achieved using a Mongo Aggregation query?
You can query embedded documents inside an array using find as below:
db.collection.find({"tracking.track_id": "abcd"})