Im creating an application, wich will conect to several sql database and get some details form the database,
In this application i have to encrypt the database connection details such as user name passwords. yes its pritty straight forward and simple just write a metod to decrypt the credentials.
but in my case i have to rely on third party encription mechanisam to decrypt the credentials. more over i have to connect to several sql servers which will again used some other encryption methods. hence im cording my application to load a encryption assembly dynamically and call the encryption method.
but when i load the assembly form Assembly.LoadFile("Path") i cannot unload the loaded assembly. i think i have load this assembly in separate app domain and call the relavant methods and unload that appdomain. im needing some help on this part. due to my lack of knoladge i cannot call the required method. my code as follows. please help me on this.
class ApplicationSettings {
private static ApplicationSettings m_ApplicationSettings;
public String m_ServerName { get; private set; }
public String m_DatabaseName { get; private set; }
public String m_UserID { get; private set; }
public String m_Password { get; private set; }
public String m_EncryptionDLLPath{ get; private set; }
public String m_NameSpace { get; private set; }
public String m_ClassName { get; private set; }
public String m_EncryptionMethodName { get; private set; }
public String m_DecryptionMethodName { get; private set; }
private ApplicationSettings()
m_ApplicationSettings = this;
public static ApplicationSettings CurrentValues
return m_ApplicationSettings;
private set
m_ApplicationSettings = value;
internal static void Initialize()
CommonFunctions.DataEncryption _enc = new CommonFunctions.DataEncryption();
ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues = new ApplicationSettings();
ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_EncryptionDLLPath = @"C:\Users\Administrator\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\TestApp\TestApp\bin\Debug\AppSec.dll";
ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_NameSpace = "AppSec";
ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_ClassName = "AppSecEncDec";
ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_EncryptionMethodName = "Encrypt";
ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_DecryptionMethodName = "Decrypt";
ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_Password = _enc.Decrypt("pzBS3EJDoGM=");
ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_UserID = "sa";
class DataEncryption {
AppDomain DomainName;
//Call the Encryption Method
public String Encrypt(Object _DataToEncrypt)
//Call the Decryption Method
public String Decrypt(Object _DataToDecrypt)
String _Decrypt = "";
String assemblyFileName = ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_EncryptionDLLPath;
String assemblyName = ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_NameSpace;
//Setup the evidence
Evidence evidence = new Evidence(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence);
AppDomain TestDomain = AppDomain.CreateDomain(
"TestDomain", //The friendly name of the domain.
evidence, //Evidence mapped through the security policy to establish a top-of-stack permission set.
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory, // The base directory that the assembly resolver uses to probe for assemblies.
System.IO.Path.GetFullPath(assemblyFileName), // The path relative to the base directory where the assembly resolver should probe for private assemblies.
true // If true, a shadow copy of an assembly is loaded into this application domain.
string s = TestDomain.Load(assemblyName).FullName;
string[] myparam = new String[1];
myparam[0] = "test";
TestDomain.CreateInstance(TestDomain.Load(assemblyName).GetName().ToString(), ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_NameSpace + "." + ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_ClassName).CreateObjRef(GetType());
//her i need to execute the Encrypt method which will load form the third party encryption mechanisam
//method name will be returnd on this parameter in application settings Classes.ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_EncryptionMethodName ;
return _Decrypt;
public void UloadAssembly()
//Unload the loaded appdomain
Thanks in advance.
I have figured out how to do this and hope fully it will be successful please find the below code which if used to over come the situation
public String Encrypt(Object _DataToEncrypt)
String _Encrypt = "";
if (ClassInstance != null)
MethodInfo EncryptionMethod = ClassInstance.GetType().GetMethod(Classes.ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_EncryptionMethodName); ;
if (EncryptionMethod != null)
object[] myparam = new object[1];
myparam[0] = _DataToEncrypt;
_Encrypt = (string)EncryptionMethod.Invoke(null, myparam);
return _Encrypt;
catch (Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message);
//Call the Decryption Method
public String Decrypt(Object _DataToDecrypt)
String _Decrypt = "";
if (ClassInstance != null)
MethodInfo DecryptionMethod = ClassInstance.GetType().GetMethod(Classes.ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_DecryptionMethodName);;
if (DecryptionMethod != null)
object[] myparam = new object[1];
myparam[0] = _DataToDecrypt;
_Decrypt = (string)DecryptionMethod.Invoke(null, myparam);
return _Decrypt;
//Loading the Assembly
public void LoadAssembly()
Evidence evi = new Evidence(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.Evidence);
DomainName = AppDomain.CreateDomain(Classes.ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_NameSpace
, evi
, AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory
, Classes.ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_EncryptionDLLPath
, true
String LoadingAssemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(Classes.ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_EncryptionDLLPath).FullName;
ClassInstance = DomainName.CreateInstanceAndUnwrap(LoadingAssemblyName
, Classes.ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_NameSpace
+ "."
+ Classes.ApplicationSettings.CurrentValues.m_ClassName
public void UloadAssembly()
//Unload the loaded appdomain