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Is it possible to determine what called a bash shell script?

Is there any way to determine how a shell script was called?

I have a bash script that prepends a single line in a note in the Bear app on macOS. It composes an x-callback url and opens it.

These are the final lines of most relevance (everything leading up to this point is getting and setting the variable values):

#compose URL

open "$theURL"

The script is run once each weekday via launchd. Here is the contents of the .plist:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

When I run the script from the command line and when I run it via launchd (as above) for any time other than 18:00 (e.g. 12:15 in the above), it performs as expected.

However, when I change my launchd job to run at 18:00, I get duplicate lines in the note - so my conclusion is that 2 launchd jobs are running at the same time.

I have scoured all the potential directories [see below] for a phantom job .plist, but there is none.

I have modified the script to write out "$0" and a date time stamp to a file when it runs, so I can see it's the same script that's being called and I can see that it's running twice.

So, finally, my question: how can I find what's running the script at 18:00?

Potential launchd .plist locations:


and even:



  • This doesn't directly answer the question, but proposes a reason the problem that I was trying to solve existed:

    launchd loaded the [18:00] job on boot but failed to unload it when it was deactivated. Whatever happened then also decoupled that job from the 'new' one so I lost control of it. Rebooting cleared out the 'phantom' job.