I would like to get image from postgresql in odoo with rest-api python3, but I can't get it because
response data always show null.
This is My model:
from odoo import models, fields
class HrAttendanceBreak(models.Model):
_name = "hr.attendance.break"
_rec_name = 'rec_name'
rec_name = fields.Char(string="Record Name", compute='_get_rec_name', store=True)
attendance_id = fields.Many2one('hr.attendance',ondelete='cascade', store=True,copy=False,string='Attendance Reference')
employee_id = fields.Many2one('hr.employee', string="Employee")
jam_istirahat = fields.Datetime(string="Jam Istirahat")
x_long_break = fields.Char(string="X, Longitude Break")
y_lat_break= fields.Char(string="Y, Latitude Break")
concat_break = fields.Char(string="Latlong Break")
break_photo = fields.Binary(string='Break Photo', attachment=False)
jam_lanjutKerja = fields.Datetime(string="Lanjut Kerja")
x_long_resume = fields.Char(string="X, Longitude Resume")
y_lat_resume= fields.Char(string="Y, Latitude Resume")
concat_resume = fields.Char(string="Latlong Resume")
resume_photo = fields.Binary(string='Resume Photo', attachment=False)
Im using fields.Binary()
for store break_photo
and resume_photo
into database.
This is how I fetching data:
@http.route('/api/hr.attendance.break', type='http', auth="none", methods=['GET'], csrf=False)
def hr_attendance_breake_list(self, **payload):
model = 'hr.attendance.break'
ioc_name = model
model = request.env[self._model].sudo().search(
[('model', '=', model)], limit=1)
custFields = [
'id', 'employee_id', 'jam_istirahat', 'jam_lanjutKerja',
'x_long_break', 'y_lat_break', 'break_photo',
'x_long_resume', 'y_lat_resume', 'resume_photo'
if model:
domain, fields, offset, limit, order = extract_arguments(payload)
fields = custFields
data = request.env[model.model].sudo().search_read(
domain=domain, fields=fields, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order)
if data:
return valid_response(data)
return valid_response(data)
return invalid_response('invalid object model', 'The model %s is not availablee in the registry.' % ioc_name)
Anyone can help me please?
in Odoo there is an existing controller to retrieve images called content_image
with the following routes definition
so you could use one like the following:
so in your controller you would generate such url for the response & the browser should load it, as following:
@http.route('/api/hr.attendance.break', type='http', auth="none", methods=['GET'], csrf=False)
def hr_attendance_breake_list(self, **payload):
model = 'hr.attendance.break'
ioc_name = model
model = request.env[self._model].sudo().search(
[('model', '=', model)], limit=1)
custFields = [
'id', 'employee_id', 'jam_istirahat', 'jam_lanjutKerja',
'x_long_break', 'y_lat_break', 'break_photo',
'x_long_resume', 'y_lat_resume', 'resume_photo'
if model:
domain, fields, offset, limit, order = extract_arguments(payload)
fields = custFields
data = request.env[model.model].sudo().search_read(
domain=domain, fields=fields, offset=offset, limit=limit, order=order)
if data:
for item in data:
item['break_photo'] = '/web/image/hr.attendance.break/{}/break_photo'.format(item['id'])
item['resume_photo'] = '/web/image/hr.attendance.break/{}/resume_photo'.format(item['id'])
return valid_response(data)
return valid_response(data)
return invalid_response('invalid object model', 'The model %s is not availablee in the registry.' % ioc_name)
your final json
should be as following:
"id": 65,
"resume_photo": "/web/image/hr.attendance.break/65/resume_photo",
"break_photo": "/web/image/hr.attendance.break/65/break_photo",
"Muhamed Irsan",
you could test this in your web browser, please note if the client is a mobile app or custom app, it has to fetch the image using the url. this should be done automatically. you have to deal with your custom client.