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Images in listview are not released from memory when out of view

I am displaying images from the internet in a vertical ListView. I fetch the images using http.get (not using cached network image cuz I do not want to cache the images). Then I insert the image Uint8List into image.memory(). What happens is that as the user scrolls the list and images are loading, the ram keeps increasing until the whole app crashes. Any ideas what to do ?


  • Yeah, this is the normal behavior. I don't know why exactly. My theory is that the images by default are disposed if the dart objects holding references to them are garbage collected rather then when the widgets are knocked off the widgets tree, but don't take my word for it- that's just my personal reasoning. It may be completely wrong.

    To get around this, I use Extended Image pakcage It's constructors take a bool clearMemoryCacheWhenDispose which disposes of images in RAM in scroll lists. You may do that or visit the package code to see how he's doing it, and replicate it.

    Other advice I can give is to make sure your images are of the appropriate size. If you are loading your images locally check this part of the documentation to have different dimensions selected for different screen sizes

    If you are fetching your images from network which is more likely, make sure their sizes are appropriate, and have different sizes served if you can. If you don't have control over that set cacheWidth and cacheHeight in Image.memory these will reduce the cached image in memory (RAM). You see by default Flutter caches images in full resolution despite their apparent size in the device/app. For example if you want your image to display in 200x200 box then set cacheWidth to 200 * window.devicePixelRatio.ceil() you will find window in dart:ui, and if you only set cacheWidth, the ratio of your images will remain true. Same true if you only set cacheHeight. Also do use ListView.builder as suggested.

    I am disappointed at how little is said about this in Flutter docs. Most of the time people discover this problem when their apps start crashing. Do check your dev tools regularly for memory consumption. It's the best indicator out there.

    Cheers and good luck