i am trying to create the JSONL training files for AutoML Natural Language and it say in the docs
To help you create JSONL training files, AutoML Natural Language offers a Python script that converts plain text files into appropriately formatted JSONL files. See the comments in the script for details.
i tried to follow the comments but i didn't get them i tried runing it with this
python jason.py C:\..dic.csv C:\..text.txt gs://mybucket
but it gives me :
(with 5 blank lines skipped)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "jason.py", line 688, in <module>
File "jason.py", line 680, in main
UploadFiles(annotated_files, FLAGS.target_gcs_directory)
File "jason.py", line 636, in UploadFiles
TypeError: write() argument must be str, not bytes
can anyone help me with an example of how to run the script please
The tool provided in created using python2. You can run python2 jsonl_converter.py -s sample_1.txt gs://your-bucket
so that you won't be editing the code provided. Or if you'd like you can follow @Justin Ezequiel suggestion if you need to run it in python3. I just used the -s option to auto split long files.