I am transitioning from Redux-forms to react-final-forms, and I'm having trouble figuring out how to handle hidden form values. In redux-forms I could do something like
this.props.change("createdBy", this.props.user.profile.username)
to set a hidden value, but that option doesn't appear to be an option in react-final-forms (or I am missing it).
I have thought that I could possibly use initialValues which works on new forms, but I run into trouble if I need to add additional values in a initial form. For example,
onSubmit={ this.onSubmit }
? item
: { createdBy: "Rachel", createdOn: new Date(), active: true }
render={({ handleSubmit, form, submitting, pristine, values }) => (
<form onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
where item might look like:
code: "WTTC",
description: "Welcome to the Club",
active: true,
createdBy: "Rachel",
modifiedBy: null,
modifiedOn: null,
So if I set the initialValue of the form with the above item, I would like to also set modifiedBy and modifiedOn values which I use to do with this.props.change("createdBy", this.props.user.profile.username)
Any suggestions?
I am not familiar with this library at all, but from JS perspective you might achieve it by manipulating the initial value regarding the item
? {...item,createdBy: this.props.user.profile.username, createdOn: new Date()}
: { createdBy: "Rachel", createdOn: new Date(), active: true }