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EasyPhp and Netbeans - how configure project to run normaly the .php-s

I have the following problem: screen image

The NetBeans project configure to use the localhost ( but if I want to only the Alapok.php file run in the browser (,however it not possible! Because the browser always invites the index.php or that page that you see on the screen image. How can I aim that only the Alapok.php run in the browser, and don't the index.php?

I use the newest NetBeans IDE and EasyPhp.


  • Preferred way will be to use Run file from Run menu (Shift+F6 by default), same goes for debugging only current file.

    You can also configure Apache to look for Alapok.php if no index.php was found. Do it by adding Alapok.php to the DirectoryIndex directive in httpd.conf. This way you should be able to execute Alapok.php when yuo press Run project. To debug project you should also set Alapok.php as Index file in NetBeans project configuration.