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How to map text ARRAY in Postgres to Scala Slick

I have the following column in my postgres table:

ALTER TABLE my_table
    ALTER COLUMN test_field TYPE text ARRAY USING test_field::text ARRAY

When I regenerate the Slick schema directly from my postgres table, I have the following"

*  @param test_field Database column test_field SqlType(_text), Length(2147483647,false), Default(None) */

  case class MyTable(id: java.util.UUID, created: Option[java.sql.Timestamp] = None, test_field: Option[String] = None)

  /** GetResult implicit for fetching MyTable objects using plain SQL queries */

  implicit def GetResultTable(implicit e0: GR[java.util.UUID], e1: GR[Option[java.sql.Timestamp]], e2: GR[String] = GR{
    prs => import prs._
    MyTable(<<[java.util.UUID], <<?[java.sql.Timestamp],<<?[String])

I am not sure as why the field is not recognised as Option[Array[String]] , Where did I go wrong?



  • I employed slick-pg and created my own MyPostgresProfile as detailed in the project's README. It turned out that there are issues with Slick dealing with text[] in Postgres and despite slick-pg does support Arrays:


    When generating the table, such array was actually seen as a Seq

    I ended up changing the data type in Postgres from Array to jsonb and it is deal with beautifully by the plugin using JValue.