I have added a library to my c project in codeVision AVR. when I want to use it's functions receive this error: function 'function name' is declared but never defined. here is my code:
#include "pid.h"
#include <mega32.h>
PidType _pid;
void main(void)
//some uC hardware initializing codes which are removed here to simplify code
while (1)
// Place your code here
in pid.h:
bool PID_Compute(PidType* pid);
and pid.c:
#include "pid.h"
bool PID_Compute(PidType* pid) {
if (!pid->inAuto) {
return false;
FloatType input = pid->myInput;
FloatType error = pid->mySetpoint - input;
pid->ITerm += (pid->ki * error);
if (pid->ITerm > pid->outMax)
pid->ITerm = pid->outMax;
else if (pid->ITerm < pid->outMin)
pid->ITerm = pid->outMin;
FloatType dInput = (input - pid->lastInput);
FloatType output = pid->kp * error + pid->ITerm - pid->kd * dInput;
if (output > pid->outMax)
output = pid->outMax;
else if (output < pid->outMin)
output = pid->outMin;
pid->myOutput = output;
pid->lastInput = input;
return true;
the ERROR:
function 'PID_Compute' declared, but never defined.
Where is the problem?
to add the library to my project I placed the .c and .h library files in the same folder that my main project file is:
and then #include "pid.h" in my main file:
#include "pid.h"
#include <mega32.h>
// Declare your global variables here
PidType _pid;
void main(void)
EDIT2: I simplified the code and now can show you the entire code: main code:
#include "pid.h"
PidType _pid;
void main(void)
while (1)
#ifndef PID_H
#define PID_H
#include <stdbool.h>
typedef struct {
int i;
} PidType;
bool PID_Compute(PidType* pid);
#include "pid.h"
bool PID_Compute(PidType* pid) {
pid->i = 2;
return true;
thank you every body. As you said, the pid.c was not added to the project. for those who may face the same problem: in codeVision AVR we have to add .c file to project from project->configure->files->input files->add
I addec .c file to project and the error went away.