Search code examples

How do I search for a particular object within an array of JSON objects using postman

How do I query for a particular BusStopCode from within a JSON object in a JSON array

 "value": [
            "BusStopCode": "01012",
            "RoadName": "Victoria St",
            "Description": "Hotel Grand Pacific",
            "Latitude": 1.29684825487647,
            "Longitude": 103.85253591654006
            "BusStopCode": "01013",
            "RoadName": "Victoria St",
            "Description": "St. Joseph's Ch",
            "Latitude": 1.29770970610083,
            "Longitude": 103.8532247463225

for example if I want to find only the first object then the bus stop code I would query is 01012

my current URL query request looks like this- http://transport/dataservice/BusStops?BusStopCode=01012

here http://transport/dataservice/BusStops is my URL

and ?BusStopCode=01012 is my path


  • tl;dr: You can't unless they implemenet it on the server side.

    Postman is only the client side.

    When you are sending a URL - the server reads it and have an implementation for this specific url / url + parameters in our case.

    If the server have an implementation for something like http://transport/dataservice/BusStops?BusStopCode=01012 They should expose it to you. You can't guess what is their API.