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Dagger Hilt @ViewModelInject is deprecated how to use @ApplicationContext in @HiltViewModel

It was android studio problem I think. It's started working automatically after 2 days maybe Restart android studio that's all it takes. I was using 2.31.2-alpha version.

I'm using @ViewModelInject in my ViewModel as shown in below but now It's deprecated so When I tried to use @HiltViewModel but I can't use @ApplicationContext init.

So my question is How to use common dependency which I annotated with @InstallIn(SingletonComponent::class) in @HiltViewModel ?

How to use @ApplicationContext in @HiltViewModel , ViewModelComponent::class ?

My code Which Work fine with @ViewModelInject are below

1. AppModule()

annotation class SplashApiInterface

class AppModule() {
    internal var pref_name = Common.pref_name

    fun mySharedPreference(@ApplicationContext context: Context): SharedPreferences {
        return context.getSharedPreferences(pref_name, Context.MODE_PRIVATE)

    fun connectionDetector(@ApplicationContext context: Context): ConnectionDetector {
        return ConnectionDetector(context)

    fun myCompositeDisposable(): CompositeDisposable {
        return CompositeDisposable()

    fun mAPIServiceSplash(@ApplicationContext context: Context): ApiInterface {
        return ApiUtils.getAPIServiceSpl(context)



class SplashVModel @ViewModelInject constructor(@ApplicationContext val context: Context,
                                                val sharedPreferences: SharedPreferences,
                                                @SplashApiInterface val mAPIService: ApiInterface,
                                                val myCompositeDisposable: CompositeDisposable,
                                                var cd: ConnectionDetector
) : ViewModel() {
    // here I removed use cases of constructor value for brevity



So now if I use @HiltViewModel how to use SingletonComponent common function? Now If create ViewModelComponent::class then how to use that common function again in this? So What should I do ? Do I have to remove all common cases from SingletonComponent and use individually in each ViewModel()?


  • A Viewmodel should not be annotated with @ActivityScoped or @Singleton, as dagger-hilt will provide this instance in a rather "special" way and not as usual as it provides the other dependencies (lifecycle and stuff).

    First make sure, that you have the following dependencies and there are all up to date:

        implementation ""
        kapt ""
        kapt 'androidx.hilt:hilt-compiler:1.0.0-alpha03'
        implementation "androidx.hilt:hilt-lifecycle-viewmodel:2.32-alpha"

    As you didn't provide any details about what's not "working", this should:

    class YourViewModel @Inject constructor(
        @Applicationcontext context: Context
    ) : ViewModel()