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RMarkdown PDF section and subsection color

I used a different color on sections and subsections in my rmarkdown document, but in the reader the names in sections (bookmarks) pane are now blank.

\textcolor{mycolor}{My section}

It looks like even if I revert mycolor to black ({RGB}{0,0,0}), the issue persists, so I assume I'm incorrectly using the \textcolor{mycolor}{Section text to color}.

Is there another way? Also, is there a way to apply the same color to all sections/subsections?

enter image description here


  • Here is an arguably better approach to accomplish your goal of colored section headings:

    title: "Untitled"
    output: pdf_document
      - \usepackage{sectsty}
      - \sectionfont{\color{red}}
      - \subsectionfont{\color{green}}
      - \subsubsectionfont{\color{blue}}
    ```{r setup, include=FALSE}
    knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
    # Section
    This section header should be red.
    ## Subsection
    This subsection header should be green.
    ### Subsubsection
    This subsubsection header should be blue.

    enter image description here