I want a command line can display number of Monday(s) which fall(s) on the first of the month in a given year without using sed
or awk
I have this command that display the first date of the current month
date -d "-0 month -$(($(date +%d)-1)) days"
With GNU date
, you can read input from a file (or standard input):
printf '%s\n' 2021-{01..12}-01 | date -f- +%u | grep -c 1
This prints dates for the first of each month in a year, then formats them as "weekday" (where 1
is "Monday"), then counts the number of Mondays.
To parametrize the year, replace 2021
with a variable containing the year; wrapped in a function:
mondays() {
local year=$1
printf '%s\n' "$year"-{01..12}-01 | date -f- +%u | grep -c 1