I am trying to change my website which is hosted on a Linux machine with Ubuntu. I am able to access it using ssh username@serverIPadress command on my local machine.
Now, when I change my code I get a 500 server error message, so I can't check where I am doing something wrong.
Do I have to change Debug = True in my settings.py file and what do I need to fill in at ALLOWED HOSTS? Currently, I have ALLOWED HOSTS = {domainname, server IP}.
So, is there a secure way to change my deployed Django Website locally on my own machine?
Maybe, I am changing it too complicated, but I am not a webdeveloper. I can't get an answer when I read the documentation.
Thank you in advance.
You can use debug_toolbar by adding it in setting.py installed app and adding allowed ip at the end
INTERNAL_IPS = ['your ip']