How to search whole jSON output from postman and get only string values from newFields array and save in variable based on fieldName only
fieldName": "TX.Sessionval.cost
Have to update Test case everytime since array index changes for newField with new build, next time the fieldid index would be /118 or /129 /234 .. so on
What does not change is fieldName: it remains same
"Fieldid": "Fieldid/112",
"fieldName": "TX.Sessionval.cost",
"stringval": "jklah-dw-4c8d-8320-das313s3ASsda|000725N8WuUrfwAS7alP|banker_name"
My current postman test is limited to field id only and saving it to variable.
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("Stdid", jsonData.newFields[112].stringValue)
use filter method of javascrpt array