I have a script that shows 10 most clicked keywords, their average CPC and conversions. While previewing the script it works fine. But when I send it to my email, only last row of the 10 rows shows. What is wrong here?
function main() {
var keywords = AdsApp.keywords()
.orderBy("Clicks DESC")
// .orderBy("Impressions DESC")
Logger.log("10 most clicked keywords");
while (keywords.hasNext()) {
var keyword = keywords.next();
content = keyword.getText() + " | Clicks: " + keyword.getStatsFor("THIS_MONTH").getClicks() + " | CPC: " + keyword.getStatsFor("THIS_MONTH").getAverageCpc().toFixed(2) +
" | Conversions: " + keyword.getStatsFor("THIS_MONTH").getConversions();
to: '[email protected]',
subject: "10 most clicked keywords",
htmlBody: content
Looks to me like you're over-writing the content variable with every while loop. I think you need to declare content outside the while loop and then add it to your content = string e.g.
var content = "";
while (keywords.hasNext()) {
var keyword = keywords.next();
content = content + keyword.getText() + " | Clicks: " + keyword.getStatsFor("THIS_MONTH").getClicks() + " | CPC: " + keyword.getStatsFor("THIS_MONTH").getAverageCpc().toFixed(2) +
" | Conversions: " + keyword.getStatsFor("THIS_MONTH").getConversions();
I suspect you'll probably want to add a new line character + "\n"
at the end of the concatenations as well.