I have this distance matrix between 6 points of one structure and 5 points of the second structure:
a = [2.565 0.394 2.927 2.774 1.600;
0.402 1.950 3.272 2.086 0.985;
2.965 3.250 1.720 0.841 2.305;
2.797 2.050 0.830 0.829 1.585;
3.865 2.662 1.246 2.086 2.634;
1.592 0.977 2.305 1.579 0.274]
I need the minimum distances between points. Sometimes I get one point between two points of the other structure. 0.274 0.394 0.402 0.830 0.829
This means I will get point 4 (from the 6 points structure) to be closest to points 3 and 4 from the other structure. I am not allowed to have one point closest to two others.
How do I get unique pairs of these close points?
I think I should verify if there is a small difference between first 2 minima in a row. The problematic point is always in the middle of other two.
I need to get 0.274 0.394 0.402 0.830 0.841
(see answer 1).
My original code was:
for i = 1 : 6
mins(i) = min(a(i, :));
mins = sort(mins);
mins = mins(1 : 5);
So thanks beaker, I do hope the question gets another answer,
pairs =
2 1
1 2
4 3
3 4
6 5
a1 =
a2 =
0×1 empty double column vector
Also I hope someone explains what the other outputs mean and when can they be useful.